The Wheel of Life - A Tool to Help You Find Balance

The Wheel of Life - A Tool to Help You Find Balance

What is the Wheel of Life?

The wheel of life is a tool you can use to assess your needs and set goals aligned with your core values. It can help because when your life feels out of balance, you can feel out of control and unsatisfied, causing harm to your wellbeing.

Place a score between 1 and 10, next to each of the following 8 segments on the image to the left, to reflect your current level of satisfaction. At a high level, this will show you the areas in your life that are either making you happy/meeting your needs, or leaving your disatisfied. You can then actively set goals to help address the areas that aren’t meeting your needs.

At NNC we use the Wheel of Life as a conversation starter at the beginning of our Circles sessions each month.They’re a great way to keep track of how you’re doing and make it easier to plan out how to talk about what’s going on for you.You can find out more about Circles here.